

We hope you absolutely love your piece but we accept returns, within 2 weeks of delivery, of items in their original condition with no signs of usage and with the original packaging. We reserve the right to refuse returns if these conditions are not met.

Wrong size or style? We are offering the first size exchange, this meaning you pay for the delivery to us but not for the second delivery to you. This is valid only for the first purchase. If it is not the first one, please place a new order on our website and return the existing order for a refund. Original shipping charges are non-refundable.

In the unlikely event of you wanting to return your item(s), please send us an email to: so we can arrange the process.


Please note that returning your order is at your own cost. Please allow 5 working days from the date of receipt for returns to be inspected and processed. Refunds will be issued on the cost at purchase price, excluding original shipping charges, back to the original method of payment. You will receive an email notification once your refund has been processed.